Home Learning
Welcome to our class page where you can find useful links for Home Learning related to our topics this term. If you need any further support with learning or Google Classroom please email
falcons@newroad.medway.sch.uk as we will be happy to answer your questions and give any assistance.
Mrs Wilson and Mrs Papandrea
Our current learning.
Here is an overview of our current learning for this fortnight.
We are focusing on the poem The Highwayman, using the Oak Academy online lessons to help us structure our learning. Each day we are completing input and activities based on the poem to improve on our sentence construction, inference and use of creative language.
Children are encouraged to use their Spelling Shed logins to work on their personalised spelling lists.
We have been looking at converting units of measure of length and understanding how millimetres, centimetres, metres and kilometres are linked. We will also look at place value and comparing and ordering numbers.
Children have access to their Times Tables Rockstars accounts and are encouraged to use these daily if possible.
For our reading work we are using a range of texts and short tasks which allow us to focus on each of the VIPERS skills of vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval and summarising. Alongside specific reading tasks, we will also continue to pay special attention to vocabulary which is supported by our use of high quality texts both for English with 'The Highwayman' and as our class reader, (which this term is The Nowhere Emporium by Ross MacKenzie.) Children are encouraged to use their Reading Plus accounts regularly to work on their personalised learning tasks.
We are focusing on understanding how animals are classified by scientists and the features that are used to decide which animal groups they belong to.
To learn about the continent of Europe, we will be following a short set of lessons from the Oak Academy to learn about European countries as well as the physical and human features of the continent.
We are looking at pulse and rhythm for these 2 weeks.
We will be doing some sessions on creative craft, in particular papercraft
We will be following the events celebrated by Christians as part of Easter.
In PE we are completing the 'Youth Sport Trust' 60 second challenges each week. These are a fun ‘compete against yourself’ approach to physical activity with a focus on resilience and perseverance and the aim to achieve bronze, silver or gold medal targets.