Home Learning
Welcome to our class page where you can find useful links for Home Learning related to our topics this term. If you need further support please email starfish@newroad.medway.sch.uk
Mrs Xynogala
Term 4 Topics
We have been using Oak Academy lessons based on the 'Firework Maker's daughter' text with videos and tasks, linked to the story.
We have been learning mental strategies to solve problems using the four operations.
We have been looking at countries within the UK and learning about their geographical features.
We have continued using the Oak Academy lessons and we are learning about Timbre and the different sounds produced using body percussion.
We have been learning about Surrealism and our aim is to create drawings in the style of Salvador Dali and Rene' Magritte.
Trying to keep active is very important, so we need to take plenty of exercise breaks during our online learning. Joe Wicks offers work videos in his Youtube channel and there is also Cosmic Yoga and GoNoodle videos, with short and energetic dance routines to help us stay active indoors.
As the weather is getting warmer, it is also very important to use outdoors for a walk, cycling or other activities in order to stay active and healthy.
Useful Links