Week beginning 11th May
Phonics Activities Week Beginning 11th of May
1: Watch this clip to introduce the children to the oa diagraph. Sing along making the sound and doing the action?
Have a go at reading these words with the ‘oa’ diagraph.
2: Play this tricky word song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ri4u0TjAZ38
To practise these words, call out any of the following words. are he she me was they all was be are all you they must use play dough to make up the word? To make it more fun you can time them, and they must race against the time to form the word.
3: Once you click on the link select one of the letters in phase 3. Your challenge is to use your mouse to get the frog across the road safely unto the logs. If the log has a silly word he will fall into the water. So, try and get him unto logs that have real words.
4: What sentence or caption can you write for this picture? If your child is struggling, focus on your child writing key words for the pictures. Do you need to use the ‘oa’ diagraph?
5: Go to https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/
Log in with the class log in at the top of the page. Click: ‘class log in’ and enter:
Log in: newroad1
Password: tiger
Now choose an eBook for your child to read to you. Make sure you ask your child questions about the words and story, to check understanding.
1: Watch Jolly Phonic Songs on YouTube and encourage them to join in with the songs and actions.
2 On https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/ or https://new.phonicsplay.co.uk/ (if using a tablet)
Play Tricky Word Trucks – Phase2 or Phase 3 - all HFW
Invite your child to read the word as it comes up and tick when read.
How quickly can you read the words?
3: Do you remember the ‘oa’ diagraph we learnt yesterday. Watch Geraldine as she learns it too.
Now can you also find things around your house with the diagraph’ oa’
4: What sentence or caption can you write for this picture? If your child is struggling, focus on your child writing key words for the pictures. Do you think you might need the ‘oa’ diagraph?
5: Go to https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/
Log in with the class log in at the top of the page. Click: ‘class log in’ and enter:
Log in: newroad1
Password: tiger
Now choose an eBook for your child to read to you. Make sure you ask your child questions about the words and story, to check understanding.
1: Play the phase 3 diagraph song. They should have a go at doing the actions while they sing Some of the sounds may be unfamiliar to them but it will help as they start to hear and learn them now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8Jp5MutVlQ
3:On https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/ or https://new.phonicsplay.co.uk/ (if using a tablet)
Play the game - sentences – Phase 3 - click on ‘oa’. Then click ‘show’ and invite your child to read the sentence. If your child needs quite a lot of support with reading this then go to -sentences- phase 2 and click on ‘ck’ and let them read these sentences to you
3: Practise writing the ‘oa ’ diagraph with your child. Now explain they are going to write some words with the ‘oa’ diagraph. Call out a word, they should then segment it as this will support them to write it.
Words to write are – coat, goat, road, toad soap, load
If your child is finding it hard to hear and write the phonemes in the words above, then try the following phase 2 words.
Words to write – sick hill rug tick lid hiss cut
4: On https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/ or https://new.phonicsplay.co.uk/ (if using a tablet)
Play ‘Grab a Giggling Graphemes’
(Either Phase 2 or Phase 2 and 3 – dependent on where your child is with their phonics knowledge
5: Go to https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/
Log in with the class log in at the top of the page. Click: ‘class log in’ and enter:
Log in: newroad1
Password: tiger
Now choose an eBook for your child to read to you. Make sure you ask your child questions about the words and story, to check understanding.
1: 1: Watch Jolly Phonic Songs on YouTube and encourage them to join in with the songs and actions.
2. Tricky word Hunt
Write the Tricky words - no to I go into the (phase 2) OR he she be we me they you her was my are (phase 3) onto pieces of paper, depending on which ones your child needs to learn.
place them up around your room or in your garden with blue tac or any sticky tape.
Either use a Nerf gun and fire at the words your adult asks OR go on a hunt and find the word your adult says.
3: :On https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/ or https://new.phonicsplay.co.uk/ (if using a tablet)
Play ‘Space race select phase 2 or 3 depending on your child’s ability. Invite them to look at the picture and type in the word for the picture seen and said.
4: What sentence or caption can you write for this picture? If your child is struggling, focus on your child writing key words for the pictures. Which sounds have you learnt that can help you?
5: Go to https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/
Log in with the class log in at the top of the page. Click: ‘class log in’ and enter:
Log in: newroad1
Password: tiger
Now choose an eBook for your child to read to you. Make sure you ask your child questions about the words and story, to check understanding.
1: Play the phase 3 diagraph song. They should have a go at doing the actions while they sing. Some of the sounds may be unfamiliar to them but it will help as they start to hear and practise them now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8Jp5MutVlQ
2: Once you click on to the website, select dinosaurs eggs, then start off with the set of words under number 2. Depending on how you do you can either decide to select the words under a higher or lower number. Then play the game if you click on the right word the dinosaur egg will hatch.
3: Have a go at dictating this sentence to your child using the sounds we have learnt so far. They should have a go independently as you dictate each word, then you can correct their spellings after.
The sentence to dictate is ‘The red coat is long.’
Once they have completed the sentence and you have supported them with the correction, can they draw a picture to match their sentence.
4: Go to https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/
Log in with the class log in at the top of the page. Click: ‘class log in’ and enter:
Log in: newroad1
Password: tiger
Now choose an eBook for your child to read to you. Make sure you ask your child questions about the words and story, to check understanding.