Nursery Admission
Nursery Application Form
Learning in the Nursery
Learning outdoors
How can I help my child get ready for Nursery?
Every child comes to Nursery with different experiences and skills. It is our job to develop your child’s skills and knowledge from their starting point.
There are many things that you can do with your child that makes the transition into Nursery easier for everyone. Below is a list of things we would love your child to be able to do or have practised when they come to school:
Putting on and taking off shoes Velcro shoes are best as they help the children to be independent. Laces are not recommended. | |
Going to the toilet independently This included wiping themselves, flushing the toilet and washing their hands. | |
Putting on their coat and doing it up. Practise the technique of putting their coat on themselves. A useful tip is to put the hood on their head first and then they find it easier to find the arms. Support your child to learn to click in the zip at the bottom before attempting to pull it up. | |
Drinking from a water bottle and cup If your child isn’t use to drinking from these items, please practise with them, so they have confidence with these skills so they can use them when at school. | |
Dressing themselves This will help your child take their own jumper off or pull up their trousers or tights, when toileting. |
Colouring and drawing These skills will support your child to develop the fine motor skills in preparation for writing. | |
Talking with your child It is important to listen and respond to your child talking. Encourage them to communicate their wants and needs. Model and support them to talk in phrases and sentences. | |
Sharing Books Reading to your child every day gives them the best start to life. Reading books or telling stories is a time when you can be together. Children learn so much from sharing books with adults. | |
Singing Nursery Rhymes It is important that children learn and know a range of nursery rhymes. ‘YouTube’ and ‘Cbeebies’ are good resources to use to help them learn these songs. Can could learn nursery rhymes such as Twinkle Twinkle Little star, Incey Wincey Spider, Baa Baa black sheep and Wind your bobbin up.
Research has shown that if children know 8 nursery rhymes by heart by the time they are 4 they are usually amongst the best readers and spellers of a class by the time they are 8! |