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New Road

Primary School

Yes I can!

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Supporting Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) at New Road Primary School


At New Road Primary School we believe  each pupil has individual and unique talents and needs. At times, pupils will require some support with their learning and development to achieve their full potential. We recognise this is a natural part of growing and we plan to make personalised support available when children need it. 

We realise that a significant proportion of pupils will have special educational needs at some time in their school career. Many of these pupils may require help throughout their time in school, whilst others may require a little extra support for a short period to help overcome more temporary needs. 
We aim to provide all pupils with strategies and interventions for managing their needs at a time when they need it. Our supportive environment aims to give all children meaningful access to the Primary Curriculum. 

Our teachers are dedicated to supporting every child, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. All children are entitled to full and equal access to a broad and balanced curriculum, suitably matched to meet their individual needs. 


Our purpose is to create a community environment that meets the individual learning and development needs of all our children, based on our values of respect, honesty, consideration and responsibility, which underpins our ethos of ‘Yes, I can’.


Mr Nigel Riley (SEND and Inclusion Lead)

