Science at New Road Primary School
Our Vision
Our vision is to immerse our children in the world of science: to use experiential learning to promote natural curiosity, to know, understand and practice the 5 elements of science investigation and to develop a scientific vocabulary by using a hands on approach to learning. The school Growth Mindset ethos will promote independence, resilience and perseverance within Science.
Science is a systematic investigation of the physical, chemical and biological aspects of the world which relies on first hand experiences and on other sources of information. The scientific process and pupils’ problem-solving activities will be used to deepen their understanding of the concepts involved.
- to develop pupils’ enjoyment and interest in science and an appreciation of its contribution to all aspects of life.
- to build on pupils’ curiosity through exploration.
- to use investigations and practical activities to give pupils a greater understanding of the concepts and deepen knowledge of science
- to immerse all children in the vocabulary of science.
- to develop pupils’ basic practical skills and their ability to make accurate and appropriate measurements
- to develop pupils’ use of computing in their science studies.
- to encourage independent thinking and develop children’s ability to draw conclusions and ask questions of results.