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New Road

Primary School

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Week Five Learning

Remembrance Day & Children In Need


Maths Day

On Tuesday as part of the Math's day, children had a weekly budget and had to work out their expenses. This included the weekly food shopping, transport and luxury items. Miss Brooks and Miss Dengate also threw in a few curve balls including a leak in the kitchen, a library fine and having to buy birthday presents. 


Quotes from the children

'I've learned that some things are very expensive' - Jesse


'I learned that it is hard to save' - Daisy


'Savings are important for when things get ruined' - Mustafa


'I learned I can save my money' - Joan


'I realised that you can't always have the expensive stuff' - Aiyan


'I learned that savings are important and you can't always buy what you want' - Zayaan


'We have to save money for when things go wrong and I learned not to waste my money' 

Maths Day - 10th November
