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New Road

Primary School

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School Nurse Service

Many parents will already know that the referral process for children to be seen by a paediatrician at Snapdragons is now done through the School Nurse Service.


Parents can ask to have a consultation with our link school nurse by contacting Mr Riley (SENCO) or Vacancy (Early Help Worker).


We do ask that parents try strategies from the Medway Hopscotch Manual for a cycle of 6 weeks to see if difficulties are reduced.


Should a child continue to present with difficulties in one or more of these areas then a referral will be made to the School Nursing Service through the school via Mr Riley or Mrs Byrne.


The team will then assess on a case by case basis the child, and they will decide if a child progresses onto a given pathway.


New Road Primary School will continue to implement strategies, providing support in and out of class regardless of a diagnosis.


 The school nursing service accepts referrals for a wide range of conditions. We provide advice and support with:


Emotional wellbeing (low level e.g. exam anxiety, self-esteem; poor body image; ‘panic attacks’; friendships; parental separation

Health conditions preventing a child accessing school - we can support the school in developing a care plan, although this remains the responsibility of the school

Healthy diet and lifestyle

Managing challenging behaviours

Online safety

Parenting support

Risk taking behaviour including drug and alcohol use, smoking, CSE • Sexual health, healthy relationship


Toileting including bedwetting and constipation
