School Nurse Service
Many parents will already know that the referral process for children to be seen by a paediatrician at Snapdragons is now done through the School Nurse Service.
Parents can ask to have a consultation with our link school nurse by contacting Mr Riley (SENCO) or Vacancy (Early Help Worker).
We do ask that parents try strategies from the Medway Hopscotch Manual for a cycle of 6 weeks to see if difficulties are reduced.
Should a child continue to present with difficulties in one or more of these areas then a referral will be made to the School Nursing Service through the school via Mr Riley or Mrs Byrne.
The team will then assess on a case by case basis the child, and they will decide if a child progresses onto a given pathway.
New Road Primary School will continue to implement strategies, providing support in and out of class regardless of a diagnosis.
The school nursing service accepts referrals for a wide range of conditions. We provide advice and support with:
• Emotional wellbeing (low level e.g. exam anxiety, self-esteem; poor body image; ‘panic attacks’; friendships; parental separation
• Health conditions preventing a child accessing school - we can support the school in developing a care plan, although this remains the responsibility of the school
• Healthy diet and lifestyle
• Managing challenging behaviours
• Online safety
• Parenting support
• Risk taking behaviour including drug and alcohol use, smoking, CSE • Sexual health, healthy relationship
• Sleep
• Toileting including bedwetting and constipation