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New Road

Primary School

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Week beginning 4th May

Phonics Activities


1: Watch this clip to introduce the children to the ee diagraph.

Then sing the jolly phonics ee song, Focus on the ‘ee’ for now as it will also mention the ‘or’  sound.


2: Play this game by listening to the word selecting the correct graphemes to make up the word. Select any list under phase 2 or 3 depending on your child’s phonics knowledge.


3: Press on the egg timer to start, then read the word if you get it right click on the tick. How many words can you read correctly before the timer finishes? Select the Phase that suits your child’s phonic Knowledge, if they find it too easy then challenge your child further by selecting a more appropriate level.


4:  What sentence or caption can you write for this picture? If your child is struggling, focus on your child writing key words for the pictures. Do you think you might need the ‘ee’ diagraph?


5:  Go to          

Log in with the class log in at the top of the page. Click: ‘class log in’ and enter:

Log in: newroad1

Password: tiger

Now choose an eBook for your child to read to you.  Make sure you ask your child questions about the words and story, to check understanding.


1: Watch Jolly Phonic Songs on YouTube and encourage them to join in with the songs and actions.


2:Watch tricky word song on YouTube, encouraging your child to join in with the song

Get your child some writing materials and a bowl of grapes.  Explain that they are now going to be  tricky word grape catchers so ensure they put on their imaginary supersonic grape hats. You are to call out each one of those tricky words and they have a go at writing it quickly. If they get it right, they catch a grape and eat it. (you can use any fruit pieces your child likes.). Remember to go at your child’s pace. it is not compulsory they write out the whole 12 words. If these phase 3 tricky words are too difficult for your child then use the following phase 2 tricky words-  no  go  into the I to


3:On or  (if using a tablet) Play ‘Reading robot’ Children pretend to be robot as they segment and read the words. Some words are nonsense words, while some are real so parents please discuss the words with your child.  (Either Phase 2 or 3 – dependent on where your child is with their phonics knowledge)


4:  What sentence or caption can you write for this picture? If your child is struggling, focus on your child writing key words for the pictures. Do you think you might need the ‘ck’ diagraph?
















5:  Go to          

Log in with the class log in at the top of the page. Click: ‘class log in’ and enter:

Log in: newroad1

Password: tiger

Now choose an eBook for your child to read to you.  Make sure you ask your child questions about the words and story, to check understanding.


1:Watch the alphablocks on  ‘ee’ digraph and practise segmenting and blending words with the ai diagraph


2:On  or (if using a tablet)

 Play ‘Rocket Rescue’ select phase 2 or 3 depending on your child’s ability.  Invite them to look at the picture and type in the word for the picture seen and said.


3: Practise writing the ‘ee’ diagraph with your child. Now explain they are going to write some words with the ‘ee’ diagraph. Call out a word, they should then segment it as this will support them to write it.

Words to write are – feet seek  beep sheep  deep jeep


If your child is finding it hard to hear and write the phonemes in the words above , then try the following phase 2 words.

Words to write – hat hum hug hill hiss hit


4: On or (if using a tablet)

Play ‘Picnic on Pluto’ select phase 3 and ee’ or any phase 2 grapheme (to make it easier) invite your child to segment and blend to read the words and decide if they are real or made up. If they are real, Bob eats them, if they are silly words Obb eats them. Talk to your child about the words


5:  Go to          

Log in with the class log in at the top of the page. Click: ‘class log in’ and enter:

Log in: newroad1

Password: tiger

Now choose an eBook for your child to read to you.  Make sure you ask your child questions about the words and story, to check understanding.


1: Join in with this YouTube clip to explore words with the ‘ee’ diagraph.


2:On  or  (if using a tablet)

Play ‘Make a match’ (Select a phase 3 or  2 level depending on your child’s phonic knowledge. However, if your child is finding it to easy or hard then change to a more appropriate level)

Encourage your child to segment and blend to read the word and find the picture to match the word read.  Enjoy!


3: Explore your home and garden – Can you find any objects with the diagraph ‘ee’ in them?


4: What sentence or caption can you write for this picture? If your child is struggling, focus on your child writing key words for the pictures. Do you think you might need the ‘ee’ diagraph?























5:  Go to          

Log in with the class log in at the top of the page. Click: ‘class log in’ and enter:

Log in: newroad1

Password: tiger

Now choose an eBook for your child to read to you.  Make sure you ask your child questions about the words and story, to check understanding.


1: Watch Jolly Phonic Songs on YouTube and encourage them to join in with the songs and actions.


2:On or (if using a tablet)

Play Tricky Word Trucks – Phase2  - all HFW -   or Tricky word Trucks -Phase 3 -all HFW depending  on your child’s phonic knowledge.

Invite your child to read the word as it comes up and tick when read.

How quickly can you read the words?


3: Here is a game for practising your reading skills.

Once on the website, Click on ‘Learn to read’ then click on ‘Zac the rat’ under the book section. After the short song, you can click on the arrow that will take you to the sentences, support your child to segment and blend the words to read.


4:  What sentence or caption can you write for this picture? If your child is struggling, focus on your child writing key words for the pictures.

5:  Go to          

Log in with the class log in at the top of the page. Click: ‘class log in’ and enter:

Log in: newroad1

Password: tiger

Now choose an eBook for your child to read to you.  Make sure you ask your child questions about the words and story, to check understanding.
