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New Road

Primary School

Yes I can!

Get In Touch

Week beginning 20th April


1: Watch Jolly Phonic Songs on YouTube and encourage them to join in with the songs and actions.


2: Watch the alphablocks clip on the ‘zz’ digraph, encouraging your child to segment and blend the words to read them on the programme.


3: On  or  (if using a tablet)

Play ‘Make a match’ (on phase 3 use the one with ‘bob’ on if this is too easy use the monkey one)

Encouraging your child to segment and blend to read the word and find the picture to match the word read.  Enjoy!


4:  What caption can you write for this picture? If your child is struggling, focus on your child writing key words for the pictures.




Now choose an eBook for your child to read to you.  Make sure you ask your child questions about the words and story, to check understanding. You will probably need to stay on the same book for a few days.

You can log in with the class log in at the top of the page. Click: ‘class log in’ and enter:

Log in: newroad1

Password: tiger


  1. Watch tricky word song on YouTube, encouraging your child to join in with the song.
  2. On or (if using a tablet)

              Play Tricky Word Trucks – Phase2  - all HFW

              Invite your child to read the word as it comes up and tick when read.

              How quickly can you read the words?

3. On or (if using a tablet)

Play the game - sentences – Phase 3 - click on ‘z’. Then click show and invite your child to read the sentence. 

4. What caption can you write for this picture? If your child is struggling, focus on your child writing key words for the pictures.

















Now choose an eBook for your child to read to you.  Make sure you ask your child questions about the words and story, to check understanding. You will probably need to stay on the same book for a few days.

You can log in with the class log in at the top of the page. Click: ‘class log in’ and enter:

Log in: newroad1

Password: tiger


  1. Watch the You Tube clip introducing the ‘ng’ digraph to the children.
  2. Explore your home - What can you find using or ending with ‘ng’?
  3. Learning the digraph ‘ng’ – Can you segment and blend to read the ‘ng’ words shown?
  4. Tricky word Hunt
  • Write the Tricky words - no to I go into the (phase 2) OR he she be we me they you her was my are (phase 3) onto pieces of paper, depending on which ones your child needs to learn.
  • place them up around your room with blue tac. 
  • Either use a Nerf gun and fire at the words your adult asks OR go on a hunt and find the word your adult says.
























Now choose an eBook for your child to read to you.  Make sure you ask your child questions about the words and story, to check understanding. You will probably need to stay on the same book for a few days.

You can log in with the class log in at the top of the page. Click: ‘class log in’ and enter:

Log in: newroad1

Password: tiger


  1. On or  (if using a tablet)

              Play ‘Grab a Giggling Graphemes’

(Either Phase 2 or Phase 2 and 3 – dependent on where your child is with their phonics knowledge)

      2. Watch alphablocks on the ‘ng’ digraph.

            Encourage the children to read the words made with the digraphs.
      3. On or (if using a tablet)
        Play ‘Buried Treasure’ select phase 3 and ‘ng’ or phase 2 (to make it easier)
   Invite your child to segment and blend to read the words and decide if they are real or made up. If they are real they put them in the treasure chest if they are made up they put them in the bin.  Talk to your child about the words.
4. What caption can you write for this picture? If your child is struggling, focus on your child writing key words for the    pictures.



















Now choose an eBook for your child to read to you.  Make sure you ask your child questions about the words and story, to check understanding. You will probably need to stay on the same book for a few days.

You can log in with the class log in at the top of the page. Click: ‘class log in’ and enter:

Log in: newroad1

Password: tiger


1: Watch Jolly Phonic Songs on YouTube and encourage them to join in with the songs and actions.

2. Remind them of the ‘ng’ digraph and write it on a piece of paper to see.  Tell the children a word and invite them to write it on their paper.  Encourage your child to segment and blend the word first before they write. This will then support their writing.

Write: long, sing, song, ring, king, wing.

If your child needs something easier, encourage them to write or make the words, with magnetic letters, if you have any.

Write – log, dog, dig, wig, pig.

3.  On  or (if using a tablet)

 Play ‘Rocket Rescue’ select phase 2 or 3 depending on your child’s ability.  Invite them to look at the picture and type in the word for the picture seen and said.

4.Tricky word Hunt

  • Write the Tricky words - no to I go into the (phase 2) OR he she be we me they you her was my are (phase 3) onto pieces of paper, depending on which ones your child needs to learn.
  • Place them up around your room with blue tac. 
  • Either use a Nerf gun and fire at the words your adult asks OR go on a hunt and find the word your adult says.























Now choose an eBook for your child to read to you.  Make sure you ask your child questions about the words and story, to check understanding. You will probably need to stay on the same book for a few days.

You can log in with the class log in at the top of the page. Click: ‘class log in’ and enter:

Log in: newroad1

Password: tiger

