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New Road

Primary School

Yes I can!

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Plants, Plants, Plants!

Important Information to note


Outdoor PE - Fridays


Spellings and Maths Challenges - Tested on Fridays only, scores will be inside the Home-School Contact Book. Your child has to score full marks to move onto the next list. 


Weekly photos will be uploaded by every Friday lunchtime for you to see the types of learning your child has been part of. 

Giraffe Class live version of The Gigantic Turnip by Aleksey Nikolayevich Tolstoy

Giraffe class have been reading The Gigantic Turnip by Aleksey Nikolayevich Tolstoy. We enjoyed the story so much we decided as a class to create a live version. In preparation we created masks for each character and had a class director to oversee the movie being made.

We hope you enjoy the movie as much as we enjoyed making it.

Week 1
